OpenCities Map Help

Geographic Coordinate Systems and Interoperability

OpenCities Map supports a number of geographic coordinate systems, however there may be cases when an error is received during import. For example, the following error may be generated:

Failed to insert the provided instance with id = 0 and
class name = FloridaMajorRoads into the XFM storage. 
Unknown error converting source Albers Conical Equal Area
(Florida Geographic Data Library). Possible datum-undefined error
(WKT:North_American_1983_HARN)     Projected Coordinate Reference

In this, it is likely that OpenCities Map supports the specified geographic coordinate system, but is not able to interpret the format as specified. To get around this, examine the geographic coordinate system data carefully. You can usually determine enough information about the geographic coordinate system to locate it in delivered library.

  1. Create a new DGN without a geographic coordinate system.

  2. Import the data. If the error is geographic coordinate system related, you should not generate an error.

  3. Find the geographic coordinate system using the search tool of the geographic coordinate system dialog. For the error above, the correct geographic coordinate system is: HARN.FloridaGDL/Albers

  4. Assign it to the DGN after the data has been imported. You can then reference this DGN to your project data as expected.